Frequently Asked Questions

Mothers have experiencing benefits such as:

Benefits that help Mom & Baby
Postpartum Benefits

Nutrients Found in Placenta

Supports adrenal function and maintains a healthy nervous system, while also boosting metabolism and aiding in antibody production for immune support.

Treats certain types of anemia and facilitates energy production from fat and carbohydrates, as well as protein synthesis.

Shields against environmental toxins, promoting skin cell repair and regeneration.

Essential for oxygen transport in red blood cells, combating fatigue and promoting overall vitality.

Small proteins that regulate cellular interactions, aiding in tissue repair and regeneration.

Facilitate the body’s healing and recovery process post-childbirth, accelerating overall recuperation.

Hormones found in the Placenta

Supports adrenal function, which is crucial for hormone production. Aids in calming and maintaining a healthy nervous system. Accelerates metabolism by acting as a coenzyme in the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Assists your body in producing antibodies to bolster your immune system.

Aids in treating certain types of anemia, assists your body in utilizing fats and carbohydrates for energy, and supports the synthesis of new protein.

Shields skin cells from environmental toxins like air pollution and aids in the healing of damaged skin.

Essential for the production of hemoglobin in red blood cells, iron facilitates the transport of oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body. A deficiency in iron can lead to insufficient oxygen supply and result in fatigue.

a hormone abundant in the placenta, plays a crucial role in easing maternal hemorrhage post-birth by promoting contractions and facilitating the safe detachment of the placenta. Moreover, oxytocin supports lactation, fosters bonding between mother and baby, and reduces anxiety. Restoring oxytocin reserves, along with other hormones, depleted after birth is easily achievable through the placenta’s rich oxytocin content.

Prolactin, a hormone secreted by the placenta, plays a crucial role in boosting milk production, particularly significant for mothers with breastfeeding goals. Placenta consumption, regardless of the method, introduces orally-active prolactin, enhancing milk production not only from the placenta but also from other secretion sites like the pituitary and ovaries. Various studies confirm a significant increase in breastmilk production attributed to placenta consumption. For instance, in one study, 86% of postpartum mothers consuming dehydrated placenta experienced a notable rise in milk secretion—an impactful finding. Moreover, placenta consumption is associated with postpartum weight loss, particularly during lactation. A study conducted at The University of Michigan highlighted that consuming placenta aids in hastening recovery from postnatal weight decline, attributed to the influence of maternally ingested placenta on milk production.

These cells are pivotal in repairing bodily damage, particularly from childbirth, aiding in faster and more effective recovery.

These are small proteins secreted by cells that play a crucial role in cellular communication and interaction. Cytokines are key in promoting the regeneration and repair of tissues by facilitating the creation of new cells to replace damaged ones.

Progesterone, another hormone found in the placenta, plays a crucial role in enhancing mental clarity and cognitive function after childbirth. Recent studies have revealed that progesterone possesses an MAO-inhibiting mechanism (Monoamine oxidase inhibitors), which yields a bodily effect akin to many anti-anxiety medications. Placenta encapsulation provides a consistent daily dose of this hormone, vital for maternal mental well-being, as a substantial decrease in progesterone levels can adversely affect women’s mental health.

Placenta consumption, a practice spanning centuries among humans and mammals, is increasingly recognized for its remarkable benefits, particularly through modern methods like placenta encapsulation.


This approach offers numerous advantages for women during the postpartum period:


1. Lower risk of postpartum hemorrhage
2. Reduction in postnatal bleeding and shorter lochia phase
3. Increased milk production through hormones like placental lactogen and prolactin
4. Restoration of iron levels to prevent postpartum anemia
5. Alleviation of ‘baby blues,’ postpartum depression (PPD), and postpartum anxiety (PPA)
6. Hormone regulation and balance, aiding in postpartum recovery
7. Enhanced healing and accelerated recovery process
8. Natural pain relief for soreness and tenderness post-birth
9. Restoration of pre-pregnancy uterine size and weight
10. Regulation of body weight by aiding in hormone balance
11. Promotion of oxytocin production for bonding with baby
12. Prevention and relief from headaches
13. Treatment and prevention of hypothyroidism
14. Increased energy levels from replenished B vitamins
15. Boost in CRH (Corticotrophin Releasing Hormone) for stress reduction
16. Improved quality of sleep
17. Enhanced libido


These benefits, among others, are widely reported and supported by scientific studies. Notably, a 2013 study highlighted improved mood and increased energy as top benefits, with ongoing research uncovering additional advantages linked to placenta consumption.

Local Service Options: For mothers located in cities with a The LAB Encapsulation branch, we offer direct pickup from the hospital. Please review our list of serviced hospitals to confirm if you qualify for local pickup.

Nationwide Shipping Service: Upon payment of the placenta collection/shipment kit ($200 plus tax), we will dispatch the kit to you. This package contains all necessary materials to securely collect and ship your placenta to us using UPS. For comprehensive instructions on our shipping process, click here.

To begin arranging your placenta encapsulation services, start here.

Yes, in fact this is another reason you SHOULD encapsulate your placenta. You will heal so much faster!

We accept a variety of payment methods, including Afterpay, PayPal, Apple Pay, Credit and Debit cards, as well as HSA or FSA cards.

Yes, you can collect your placenta from any hospital. Upon admission, inform your nurse of your intention to keep your placenta. You will need to sign a release form, after which the hospital will store your placenta in a provided container for collection.

It is crucial to be aware of your rights regarding placenta retention. Should the hospital present any obstacles, please contact Swann immediately.

Note: Communicating with your OBGYN or care provider about your desire to keep your placenta can facilitate the process, as they can authorize its release.

As soon as you have the baby. We are a 24-hour service.

After receiving your placenta, our processing time is 1 to 2 days. You can expect to receive your placenta capsules within 1 to 3 days following completion.

Encapsulation starts at $350

We employ the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) method for placenta encapsulation. This process involves steaming the placenta at 220 degrees for 30 minutes to eliminate any potential bacteria or viruses. Following this, the placenta is dehydrated, ground into a fine powder, and encapsulated for consumption.

Yes, that’s correct. While it’s true that some potency may be lost during processing, there is currently no research quantifying this loss. Despite this, the placenta remains a powerful organ. Mothers consistently report significant benefits and express satisfaction with the effects of their encapsulated placenta.

To maintain the utmost safety and quality standards, we process only one placenta at a time, effectively eliminating the risk of cross contamination.

Your placenta will yield, on average, 80-180 pills.

Days 1-7: Take 2 capsules, 3 times a day (AM, NOON, PM)
Days 8-15: Take 1 capsule, 3 times a day (AM, NOON, PM)
Days 16+: Take 1-2 capsules every morning as needed

Absolutely! Because your placenta is entirely natural, it poses no risk of interaction with any other medications you may be taking.

Testing positive for GBS does not preclude you from placenta encapsulation, as it remains safe for you to proceed. Here’s why:

At The LAB Encapsulation, we exclusively utilize the Traditional Chinese Medicine method, which involves steaming the placenta at 220 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minutes, followed by dehydration. This meticulous process effectively eliminates any potential bacteria, including GBS, as bacteria and viruses cannot survive at temperatures exceeding 131 degrees Fahrenheit.

We have successfully encapsulated placentas for approximately 80 women who tested positive for GBS, ensuring their safety and satisfaction throughout the process.

It is still safe to encapsulate your placenta if there is Meconium on the placenta. The bacteria in meconium is from your own body. We thoroughly wash the placenta and then we steam the placenta at 220 degrees F for 30 minutes to kill any bacteria or viruses present. Bacteria and viruses cannot survive at temperatures higher than 131 degrees F.

The LAB Encapsulation has encapsulated for roughly 25 women that had meconium on their placenta.

It is still safe to encapsulate your placenta.

While often referred to as the “filter organ,” a more apt title for the placenta would be the “facilitator organ.” Acting as a facilitator, the placenta ensures that essential nutrients reach the baby while toxins and waste are redirected into the mother’s bloodstream for disposal. It’s important to note that toxins and waste do not linger in the placenta but are efficiently managed by this remarkable organ.

Your capsules never expire! Make sure to keep them at room temperature and in a dry place.

You can still encapsulate your placenta if you delay cord clamping.

If the company you choose banks only the cord and a portion of the placenta, then we can proceed with encapsulation. However, if they bank  both the cord and the entire placenta, encapsulation is not possible.

For legal reasons, we can only encapsulate the placenta for the mother it belongs to.

If you have HIV, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, or Hepatitis C.

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Placenta Encapsulations Completed

Count on us for professional care and support throughout your postpartum placenta and herbal needs.

Over 15 Years of Experience

Bringing years of expertise to placenta encapsulation, we’ve been dedicated to supporting mothers on their postpartum journey.

Our Awards and Certificates

With a wealth of experience and a commitment to safety and quality, we provide trusted services tailored to each client’s unique needs.

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