Oh Baby Be Body Butter


Oh Baby Be Body Butter is a nourishing topical balm made from the placenta powder of your encapsulated placenta. It is designed for use by both mothers and babies and can help heal and improve the appearance of cesarean scars, perineal tears, hemorrhoids, sunspots, wrinkles, and stretch marks. Additionally, it can be used to treat sore or cracked nipples from breastfeeding, diaper rash, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, burns, and general skin irritations. The placenta components, including estrogen, androgens, collagen, and progesterone, offer various skin benefits such as improved hydration, increased cell rejuvenation, and enhanced wound healing. This body butter, rich in essential nutrients like minerals, hormones, proteins, vitamins, and antioxidants, comes in a 4-ounce container with detailed usage instructions.


Utilize the potent benefits of placenta compounds and carefully selected ingredients with our salve, ideal for topical application. This multipurpose formula is tailored to address various concerns such as cesarean scars, perineal tearing, stretch marks, wrinkles, and sunspots. Versatile enough to serve as nipple cream or diaper rash relief, it also targets conditions like cradle cap, psoriasis, eczema, baby acne, dermatitis, burns, sunburns, and general skin irritations.

Whether you’ve had your placenta encapsulated professionally or prepared it yourself, our heavenly scented, luxuriously soft whipped body butter recipe offers a unique solution to utilize leftover placenta pills. With potential benefits ranging from reducing signs of aging to soothing inflammation from eczema and psoriasis, this body butter is a versatile addition to your skincare routine. Perfect for use on cesarean and other surgical incisions, cradle cap, diaper rash, perineal tears, cuts, and scrapes, our placenta whipped body butter recipe is a luxurious treat for your skin’s needs.

The placenta powder from your encapsulated placenta can be transformed into Oh Baby Be Body Butter—a thick, nourishing balm for topical use on both mom and baby. The various components of the placenta offer remarkable healing and beneficial properties when applied to the skin.

**Common Uses of Oh Baby Be Body Butter:**
– **Cesarean scars:** Begin application approximately 3+ days after the wound is no longer open.
– **Perineal tearing**
– **Hemorrhoids**
– **Sunspots:** Helps reduce their appearance.
– **Wrinkles:** Helps reduce their appearance.
– **Stretch marks:** Helps reduce their appearance.
– **Sore or cracked nipples from breastfeeding:** (Ensure to wipe off the butter with a soft damp cloth before nursing.)
– **Diaper rash cream:** Safe for use with cloth diapers.
– **Skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis.**
– **Burns/sunburns**
– **General skin irritations and as a moisturizer.**

**Placenta Components with Skin Benefits:**
– **Estrogen:**
– Stimulates hyaluronic acid production for cellular moisture retention.
– Reduces sebaceous gland size, tightens skin structure and pores.
– Regulates skin thickness and reverses dryness.
– Supports fluid balance and cellular integrity.

– **Androgens:**
– Increases cell rejuvenation and replacement.
– Boosts collagen production, essential for wound healing and skin elasticity.
– Enhances the smoothness and evenness of healed areas.

– **Collagen:**
– Maintains skin thickness and hydration.
– Supports the skin’s vascular system.
– Reduces the appearance of wrinkles.

– **Progesterone:**
– Strengthens skin collagen and slows its breakdown.

**Additional Benefits from Other Components:**
– Minerals, trace elements, hormones, proteins, vitamins, and antioxidants also contribute to the body butter’s effectiveness.

**Product Details:**
Oh Baby Be Body Butter is created by blending ground dehydrated placenta powder with a carrier butter. This rich, healing body butter comes in a 4-ounce container. Each purchase includes complete instructions, storage recommendations, an ingredients list, and more, ensuring you get the most out of your product.


4 oz, 8 oz


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