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Placenta Encapsulation Capsules


Transform your placenta into a powerhouse daily supplement, custom-made by your body for your body. Each encapsulation brims with vital nutrients, hormones, and stem cells crucial for postpartum recovery, milk production, and healing. With potent elements like Cortisone and Human Growth Hormones, mothers experience increased energy, reduced “baby blues,” and faster post-baby body restoration. Our service offers 160-180 capsules per placenta, ensuring maximum benefits within budget. Prepared with care using your preferred method, our capsules come with comprehensive dosage guidance and ongoing support from LaSwann, a Certified Placenta Encapsulator.

Transform your placenta into a daily nutritional supplement rich in vitamins, minerals, iron, protein, stem cells, and hormones, tailor-made by your body for your body. Each placenta encapsulation contains naturally occurring supplements and hormones that support postpartum recovery, milk production, healing, and more. Key healing elements found within the placenta include Cortisone, Human Growth Hormones, and Stem Cells.

Mothers who use placenta pills often report increased milk production, reduced likelihood of experiencing “baby blues,” heightened energy levels, and a quicker return to their pre-baby body. On average, each placenta yields 160-180 pills, making it an ideal choice for those seeking the benefits of placenta encapsulation without breaking the budget.

Our service includes completed placenta capsules prepared using the TCM/Heated method (or another method of your choice), along with printed information detailing dosage, storage, and usage for each product. Plus, you’ll receive text, call, and email support as needed from LaSwann, a Certified Placenta Encapsulator.



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