
Tree of Life Placenta Print


Capture the beauty of your placenta with a stamp featuring the fetal side, producing a stunning ‘tree’-like print. This intricate depiction showcases the precise size, shape, and vessel structure of your unique placenta. Our natural printing process ensures no paint or dye is used on the placenta, offering a safe and authentic representation. Each print is as distinct and remarkable as the placentas themselves.

Tree of Life Placenta Print Keepsake: This unique art piece captures the intricate vessel structure of the placenta’s fetal side, often resembling a tree with the umbilical cord as its roots and the vessels branching out like the limbs of a tree. The final appearance of each Tree of Life print is distinct, influenced by factors such as the placenta’s size, shape, vessel structure, cord length, and point of cord insertion.

For those opting for a Natural Tree of Life Print, the artwork is created using the residual blood from the placenta, generally resulting in a subtle pink hue. Once dry, the print is laminated to ensure that the blood is safely contained and preserved.

Alternatively, the **Watercolor Tree of Life Print** offers a vibrant twist. The placenta is covered with a plastic wrap, and the vessel patterns are carefully traced by hand, ensuring the placenta remains untouched by any paint or dye. This option allows for a personalized touch with a choice of color schemes and combinations, making each print a bespoke keepsake.

Each Tree of Life Placenta Print is a testament to the unique journey of birth, making it a meaningful addition to any family’s collection of memories.



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